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See the Filters help page for more information about filters.

The Age term returns true if the person's calculated age passes the conditions described by the term's properties. If the person's age cannot be determined, the result is false.

screenshot of Age term with example property values
Age Properties


Age Type

Choose whether the age calculation applies to living people or deceased people.

  • If you choose If alive, the term calculates the age of living people only, and subtracts the person's birth date from the current date.

    The result for deceased people will be false, as will the result for people for whom Gedcom Publisher cannot calculate an age.

  • If you choose At death, the term calculates the age of deceased people only, and subtracts the person's birth date from the person's death date.

    The result for living people will be false, as will the result for people for whom Gedcom Publisher cannot caluclate an age.

Allow Approximate Ages

If Allow Approximate Ages is checked, Gedcom Publisher will calculate ages even when events have imprecise dates, like "about", "before", etc.


The Operator property determines how the person's age is compared to the Years property:

  • less than — the person's calculated age must be less than the Years value.
  • less than or equal to — the person's calculated age must be less than or equal to the Years value.
  • equal to — the person's calculated age must be equal to the Years value.
  • not equal to — the person's calculated age must not equal the Years value.
  • great than or equal to — the person's calculated age must be greater than or equal to the Years value.
  • greater than — the person's calculated age must be greater than the Years value.


The Years property determines the value Gedcom Publisher compares to the person's calculated age.


Use the Title property to set the title of the filter term. Gedcom Publisher will set the title automatically when you change any of the other properties. If you want to use your own title, set the Title property after you set the other properties.