On This Page

Version 3.01



  • File > Browse Book is now disabled when the Make Book command is processing
  • Attribute names are now selected via a pull-down menu that includes all valid Attribute names

    This avoids mistyped Attribute names.

  • When an Attribute Person Entry Item has no value because the Show Value property is unchecked and the Text property is empty, Gedcom Publisher will no longer show an empty value column in grid-type Formats


  • Fixed a bug where attempting to add an Image User Item triggered a fatal error
  • Fixed a bug where Help > Check for a New Version command would not navigate to the newsletter for a new version

    It's not possible for end users to test this fix until version 3.02 is released. The fix is in v3.01, but as long as v3.01 is the current version, Check for a New Version will only indicate you are using the current version and will not offer to open a newsletter for a new version.

    Beta testers should be able to test this fix. As of this version, the beta version of Gedcom Publisher modifies the query parameters such that a beta version will always indicate that a new version is available, and the newsletter link will point to the betahelp site's draft newsletter page for the next public release.

Family Historian

Fixes for Family Historian

  • Removed the "in" prefix from the value of "{date:YEAR}" to match the FH value


Fixes for RootsMagic

  • Fixed a bug where the gender switch ("<% male | female | unknown >") used in RootsMagic sentence templates did not work properly for witnesses

The Master Genealogist

Changes for The Master Genealogist

  • Added support for the [CIT:][:CIT] printer code in exhibit captions and descriptions
  • Fixed a bug where the [WEB:][:WEB] printer code did not handle URLs that include &

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher produced more vertical space than expected before the CENTER and LIND printer codes
  • Fixed a bug where the [RPAR:role] variable was not supported

Version 3.00


  • Updated to use .NET 8, the latest long-term support version of the .NET infrastructure

    Users don't need to understand what .NET 8 is, or how it works. It's a modern infrastructure for building applications and guarantees that Gedcom Publisher has a solid footing. It also provides many performance improvements. Gedcom Publisher is now faster!

    Prior to this release, Gedcom Publisher was built with .NET Framework 4, and restricted to using that infrastructure due to a dependency inherited from the user interface components used by prior versions of Gedcom Publisher. I replaced those user interace components with new, home-grown components built using .NET 8.

    Gedcom Publisher should be noticeably faster when making a book or when loading your GEDCOM file or TMG project. The speed improvement is due to the .NET 8 conversion as well as fine-tuning during and after the conversion effort.

  • Added support for light mode (dark text on a light background) and dark mode (light text on a dark background) in Gedcom Publisher's user interface via the Customize menu
  • Added support for several color schemes in Gedcom Publisher's user interface via the Customize menu
  • Added the Names.Suffix Delimiter property
  • Added a new variation of the PERSON Text Code where omitting the personId parameter yields the name of the current person when used in a Literal Text Person Entry Item
  • Added support for GEDCOM files where FAM records include two HUSB subrecords or two WIFE subrecords rather than one of each
  • Added the Chapter Link Person Entry Item.
  • Added the People per Table property to Chapter People items that support an embedded List of People

    In addition, when embedded lists include subheadings such as the current generation, etc., Gedcom Publisher attempts to split tables at heading changes.

  • Added the Add References property to Chapter People items that support an embedded List of People
  • Added the Show List Item Tooltips preference


  • Moved Embed Position properties out of image-specific section of Exhibits Section; they apply to all exhibit types
  • Added documentation of the Names.Suffix Delimiter property
  • When a progress dialog completes and the check (done) icon appears, focus now shifts immediately to the main window

    Progress dialogs are visible when Gedcom Publisher is loading a data file and when making a book.

    In the past, focus would not return to the main window unless the user clicked in the main window while the progress window was visible. Now, when the background task is complete, focus shifts to the main window. The progress window remains visible for a couple seconds, then closes. This change allows the user to use [Ctrl-B] to view the book without waiting for the progress dialog to close.

  • Changed application parameters to increase compatibility with the .NET Runtime
  • When a user presses the [F1], Gedcom Publisher now uses a new method to determine if there is a help page available for the current section


  • Fixed an issue where very low values for People per Table would sometimes trigger empty tables that rendered as a heading row followed by a duplicate heading row
  • Fixed an issue where multiple references to a place with place information (latitude/longitude, an exhibit, or a note) sometimes generated multiple place information pages that were identical when there should be only one place information page
  • Fixed a bug where place information pages did not work properly unless the book also included linked exhibits

    If linked exhibits were not present, the Exhibits chapter would be removed, but place information pages were in that chapter, and that produced an invalid EPUB.

    If the Exhibits chapter is deleted or disabled, and the book includes at least one place information page, the Make Book command will fail with an error message.

  • Fixed a bug where List of People content triggered an error in the e-reader
  • Fixed a bug where place information pages triggered an error in the e-reader
  • Fixed a bug where the Clear Person Entry Item was ignored
  • Fixed a bug where items in the user-defined External Tools list did not honor the enable/disable checkbox
  • Fixed a bug where choosing "Place 3" in items with column definitions would cause a crash when making the book
  • Fixed a bug where Chapter People Descendants was using the wrong Generation Heading Template
  • Fixed a bug where pull-down menu properties that can be set by keying a value did not work properly
  • Fixed a bug where canceling the Make Book command triggered an error
  • Fixed a bug where the Show List Item Tooltips preference was not applied properly
  • Fixed a bug where the Language.Sentence Language pull-down menu was empty
  • Fixed a bug where GP was using the wrong domain for help page links
  • Fixed a bug where alignment codes for the PERSON-IMAGE Text Code did not work properly unless specified in lowercase

Family Historian

Fixes for Family Historian

  • Removed the "in" prefix from the value of "{date:YEAR}" to match the FH value

The Master Genealogist

Changes for The Master Genealogist

  • Adjusted how Gedcom Publisher loads source element information to avoid a bug in TMG where multiple source element records have the same RECNO (record number) value when the RECNO values are supposed to be unique

Version 2.04



  • For GEDCOM NAME records with a TYPE subrecord, Gedcom Publisher now adds a prefix "Name-" to the TYPE value to avoid possible collisions with event types
    GEDCOMGedcom Publisher
    Tag Type
    1 NAME Mary Elizabeth /Smith/
    2 TYPE Birth
    1 NAME Mary /Todd/
    2 TYPE Maiden
  • Changed/corrected the HTML Gedcom Publisher uses to render heading tags and added a new Strings entry to allow users to customize the HTML

Family Historian

Changes and Fixes for Family Historian

  • Added support for data references "{%CUR~WITN>NAME%}", {%CUR~WITN>NAME:GIVEN_ALL%} (and other name parts), "{%CUR~WITN>NAME.TYPE%}", {%CUR~WITN>NAME[N]%}, and {%CUR~WITN>NAME[N].TYPE%}

    For data references that include "[N]", specify a number (1,2,3, etc.) in place of "N" to choose which of the person's names to use.

  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher did not support name part references after a role name, i.e., "{role:NAMEPART=rolename}"
  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher did not suppress citation and exhibit output for facts where the sentence is "{blank}"
  • Added support for data references that include indexed names, i.e., CUR_PRIN.NAME[2]
  • Added support for NAME.TYPE data references, i.e., CUR_PRIN.NAME.TYPE or CUR_PRIN.NAME[1].TYPE, etc.
  • Added/modified NAME Format results
  • Added a period and space as a prefix when automatically appending the NOTE value to event output via the Add Note to Global Sentence property, but please see the recommendation about not using this option in Family Historian
  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher was not assigning the correct Tag Type to some family events
  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher was applying the "Age At Format" template to produce the AgeAt() function result, which typically includes literal text like "at age", whereas the FH function returns the age value only

The Master Genealogist

Enhancements for The Master Genealogist

  • Added several TMG-specific properties to control excluded text and citations
  • Added support for sentence variables [LSP], [LSPO], [LSP1], and [LSP2]

    The LSPx codes are not implemented in TMG. They are extensions added long ago in Second Site that are now supported in Gedcom Publisher.

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher was not assigning the correct CSS class for text rendered inside TMG's [SCAP:] and [:SCAP] printer codes

Version 2.03



  • Fixed a bug where Gedcom Publisher was not checking ancestor events properly when analyzing if a person is living or dead

Family Historian

Changes for Family Historian

  • Added support for the {others} variable
  • Added support for the {inline-note} variable
  • Changed the behavior of the {note} variable

    As of FH7, FH inserts a period and space when processing the {note} variable. That is a change from FH6. Gedcom Publisher now follows the FH7 behavior. When reading a GEDCOM file exported from FH6 or previous, Gedcom Publisher changes {note} to {inline-note} which provides the pre-FH7 behavior of {note}.

The Master Genealogist

Enhancements for The Master Genealogist


Version 2.02


  • Added the Virtual Witnesses facility, a new feature available in all Tag Sets
  • Added the GEDCOM Editors section to allow making find-and-replace edits to GEDCOM records as a GEDCOM file is read by Gedcom Publisher
  • Updated the Tag Filter Tab in all Tag Sets replacing several properties with new Event Filter and Name Filter properties to expand the Event and Name filtering options for Tag Sets

    Gedcom Publisher converts Tag Filter Tab properties from prior versions to the new filter properties when opening existing .gpfiles.

  • The Add and Edit windows for all Tag Sets now include a Filter Wizards menu to simplify the addition of filters that reproduce the effect of properties that were replaced by the new, more general-purpose Event Filter and Name Filter properties
  • Added a Person Filter property to the Attribute and Literal Text Person Entry Items
  • Added new filter terms:


Changes for Legacy

  • Now supports event definitions in GEDCOM files for BMDB tag types

    Evidently, Legacy GEDCOM files may now include BMDB event definitions whereas they were not included in prior versions.


Version 2.01

This version is dedicated to Nico. Happy birthday!



Version 2.00


  • Added the Person Prefix property to the Subject Name, Family Sections, and Parent Section Person Entry Items

    You can now add a sequence number or other value before names that appear in the sections listed above.

  • Added a "SeqNo" (sequence number) Attribute that Gedcom Publisher assigns when determining which people will be included in the book

    The SeqNo Attribute is used by the new Person Prefix properties and may be used in the same manner as other Attributes except it may not be used in filters that select who will be included in the book.

  • Added support for several new features in Family Historian 7 (see below)
  • Added the Exhibits.Include Note property
  • Added labels for parent-child relationships to the Parent Section and Family Sections

    This support is limited to applications that make the information available. See either of the help pages linked above for details.

  • Added the Primary Birth and Primary Death terms to filter people by the characteristics of the primary birth or primary death event
  • Added the DNA Descendant Of filter term to filter or accent people based on DNA inheritance of mtDNA, X-DNA, or Y-DNA
  • Added the Tag Participants term to filter events by the number of participants, principals, or witnesses
  • Added new Role term to filter events by the subject's Role name
  • Added new Date comparison operators "Is empty" and "Is not empty" (see the Tag Date term)
  • Added the Sources.Use Linked References and Sources.Use Superscript References properties
  • Added the Output Type and Class properties to the Ancestor Lineage Item
  • Added the Class property to the Descendant Lineage Item
  • Added the missing surname indicator to the list of names in the picklist
  • Made multiple changes to improve GEDCOM 5.5.1 compliance and functionality, including:
    • Added support for sharing events using the GEDCOM extensions records recommended by the Gedcom-L group
    • Added support for the INDI.FAMC.PEDI record as part of the parent-child relationships enhancement described above
    • Modified the default handling of the ALIA (Alias) GEDCOM tag to create either an Alias event linking two people (consistent with GEDCOM 5.5.1 specification) or a Name-AKA (consistent with some non-standard programs)
    • Modified the import logic for GEDCOM NOTE records where an initial empty line is not discarded

      Gedcom Publisher will strip an empty first line when reading a GEDCOM file exported from Reunion because it always includes an empty first line that is not part of the actual NOTE value.

    • Adjusted the GEDCOM import rules so the EMAIL, EMAI, PHON, and WWW record values are added as memo parts on the event record

      The EMAIL, EMAI, and WWW values are converted to links.

      There are no references to these new memo parts in the standard Gedcom Publisher sentences, and I am not aware of any programs with sentence templates that refer to those values. If you want to include them in output, you'll have to use a Gedcom Publisher sentence for the event, and you'll have to include "[M:Email]", "[M:Telephone]", or "[M:Web Site]" in the sentence template.

  • Changed the method used to determine the type (image, audio, video, document) of an exhibit such that the file extension, if any, carries more weight than the GEDCOM FORM value


  • Fixed a bug where Gedcom Publisher hung when loading a GEDCOM file due to an invalid location for a SOUR record
  • Fixed a bug where Family Sections were not always in the right sequence if the first-born child was a primary child in one family and a non-primary in another
  • Fixed a bug where sequence numbers for Chapter Person items were not assigned correctly
  • Fixed a bug where the Descendant Lineage Item sometimes produced the wrong lineage when a non-primary parent was a descendant of the progenitor
  • Fixed a bug where people added via the Chapter Person item were not assigned a sequence number except in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where the Make Book command failed with a null reference exception when rendering a Family Section with a particular combination of property and data values
  • Fixed the Attribute filter term to trim the attribute name before evaluating the comparison
  • Fixed a bug where the Date term's "Equal" operator returned the wrong result
  • Fixed a bug where the "Include in Table of Contents" property was ignored for several Chapter Types including Exhibits and the name indexes
  • Fixed a bug where the GEDCOM RESN (restriction) record was not implemented for names and individual events

    If a name structure includes a RESN subrecord, the name value is converted to the Name Strings.Private Name value.

    If an individual event structure includes a RESN subrecord, the event is ignored.

  • Fixed a bug where certain invalid level numbers in GEDCOM files would cause a failure to read the file
  • Fixed an issue where two (or more) consecutive exhibits would be wrapped in the border of the first exhibit
  • Fixed an issue where HTML elements, either literals or as a result of printer codes, would sometimes appear as visible text
  • Fixed a bug where the output was duplicated for the Pedigree Link Person Entry Item when Output Type was set to "Field"
  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher was not using the lowest-generation number when evaluating the Chapter People - Descendants filter for a person with multiple paths to the progenitor

Family Historian

Enhancements for Family Historian

  • Added support for FH7 source templates
  • Added support for FH7 rich text notes including line formats (paragraphs, lists, indented lines), inline text styles (font family, font size, text color, highlight color, bold, italic, strikeout, and underscore), and tables (rows and columns)
  • Added support for FH7 links in notes including links to people and sources
  • Added support for FH7 embedded citations in notes
  • Added support for several Family Historian template functions

Fixes for Family Historian

  • Fixed a bug where sentence templates for family attributes were loaded properly after a change to Export Gedcom File plug-in
  • Fixed a bug where some conditional expressions ("a" = "b", etc.) were not handled properly in function expressions
  • Fixed a bug where the Family Historian function Sex() did not work if the Strings for male, female, and unknown were not set to the default values

Family Tree Maker

Enhancements for Family Tree Maker

  • Added support for the custom OBJE.FILE._TEXT record which specifies a note for a media item; Gedcom Publisher treats this the same as the standard OBJE.NOTE record
  • Added support for the custom OBJE.FILE._DATE record which assigns a date to a media item
  • Added support for the _PRIV (private) record that FTM uses to mark media items (exhibits) as private

Changes for Family Tree Maker

  • Removed custom handling for FTM's non-standard ALIA tag in favor of a more flexible default handler that supports both standard and non-standard variations without source-specific rules


Changes for Legacy

  • Added support for non-standard GEDCOM in Legacy 9.0 where a custom FAM._MARRIED record with the value "N' is intended to indicate that a FAM.MARR record should not create a Marriage event


Changes for Reunion

  • Added configuration statements to ignore non-standard INDI.ASSO.TYPE records that interfere with the Gedcom Publisher's processing of INDI.ASSO records


Enhancements for RootsMagic

Changes for RootsMagic

  • When Notes.Add Note to Global Sentence or Notes.Add Note to Local Sentence is checked, Gedcom Publisher will now append the event note for principals but will append the witness note for witnesses

    In prior versions, Gedcom Publisher would append the event note for both principals and witnesses. That did not match the Rootsmagic behavior.

Fixes for RootsMagic

  • Fixed a bug where empty source element values in citations would sometimes have an incorrect value
  • Fixed a bug where source templates switches were not working properly in all cases

The Master Genealogist

Changes for The Master Genealogist

  • Added limited support for the [FCAP:] / [:FCAP] printer codes: variables that produce pronouns will honor FCAP

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher sometimes added a trailing period to a citation or source when a period was already present

Version 1.09



  • Fixed a bug where exhibits and comments attached to places were not appearing in the book

Version 1.08


  • Added the Chapter People - Ancestors item which makes it easy to create person entries for ancestors of a subject person and organize them by generation and couple
  • Added the Ancestor Lineage Item which adds a lineage path (descendant names) or ahnentafel number to the Person Entry
  • Added the Ethnicity item which adds ethnicity information to the Person Entry
  • Added the Include Siblings and Include Sibling Spouses properties to the Ancestor Of filter term
  • Added support for Family exhibits


  • Improved the error message for invalid templates used in Table Column definitions, including List of People columns and Table Panel Tag Set columns
  • When a child is a member of multiple families, Gedcom Publisher will favor the family identified by the first INDI.FAMC record

    In prior versions, the primary parents were determined by the FAM record with the lowest XREF value.

  • Added support for non-primary parents; see People.Show Non-Primary Parents
  • When loading image file metadata, Gedcom Publisher now gives priority to the EXIF tag "DateTime Original" over the EXIF tag "Image DateTime"
  • When a name or event has multiple notes, the second and subsequent note values are stored in named parts that include a numeric suffix, i.e., Note2, Note3, etc., and those values can be accessed by the [M:Note2], etc., variables


  • Fixed a bug where an "&" in a book title caused errors in e-book readers

Family Historian

Enhancements for Family Historian

  • Added support for several name-related Data References: {%CUR_PRIN.NAME%}, {%CUR_PRIN.NAME[1]%}, {%CUR_PRIN2.NAME%}, {%CUR_PRIN2.NAME[1]%}, and a subset of the options for those names: FIRST, GIVEN, and FULL
  • Added support for Media Item Keywords

Family Tree Maker

Fixes for Family Tree Maker

  • Fixed a bug where the primary image exhibit was not set to the image indicated by FTM's custom _PHOTO record


Enhancements for GenoPro

  • Added support for GEDCOM files exported from GenoPro using GenoPro's File > Export > Export to GEDCOM via the Report Generator... command
  • Added support for GEDCOM files exported from GenoPro using GenoPro's File > Export > Export to GEDCOM Format... command


Changes for RootsMagic

  • Improved name type handling; see Name Types

    This is a breaking change. If you have defined Tag Types for RootsMagic alternate names, you will have to rename them.


Version 1.07


  • Changed punctuation handling such that periods at the end of text fields will be left in place even if the next character is another punctuation character
  • Updated "Dutch (Belgium)" translations courtesy of Harry Goegebeur


  • Fixed a bug where the output of the Chapter People - Descendants item with Include Spouses checked was incorrect for married cousins and was also incorrect for spouses who married two or more descendants
  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.06 where families were not always sorted in the proper sequence

The Master Genealogist

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed a bug where HID and SS codes in source templates were not handled properly

Version 1.06



  • Fixed a bug where an event with two principals was shown even if one of the principals was ineligible to be shown; in prior versions, the event was shown, but the limited principal was not
  • Fixed a bug where sorting people by birth date was using the Date field, which is incorrect; it now uses the SortDate field, which is correct
  • Fixed a bug where the Ancestor Generation and Descendant Generation Filter Terms included a non-functioning Include Subject parameter; the Include Subject property has been removed and both filters now include the subject only if the Min Generation parameter is zero
  • Fixed a bug where line-ending punctuation was sometimes added after trailing white-space, such as newline characters


Fixes for RootsMagic

  • Fixed a bug where the :Age:plain variable option was not implemented properly

The Master Genealogist

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed a bug where the value of TMG's [Y] variable did not match TMG output
  • Adjusted URL detection in source elements to handle additional cases, including URLs delimited by "\<" and "\>"

Version 1.05


  • Added the Anchors facility that supports adding links from one chapter to another chapter or to a different part of the same chapter
  • Added the Include in Table of Contents property to most Chapter types


  • Improved the List of People User Item to reduce the time it takes to make long lists


  • Fixed a bug where linked text exhibits caused an XHTML error that prevented some e-readers from viewing items in the Exhibtis chapter


Enhancements for Reunion


Changes for RootsMagic

  • The Sources.Use Application Types property now determines whether Gedcom Publisher will use both pre-defined RootsMagic source types and source types defined in the GEDCOM file

The Master Genealogist

Changes for The Master Genealogist

  • Updated application-specific text codes; see the help page
  • Improve the error message for improperly-nested [HID:]/[:HID] codes

Version 1.04


  • Gedcom Publisher now rejects drag'n'drop of external files in the HTML Editor window


  • Recursive variable references will now produce an error in the application log rather than crashing the program


Fixes for RootsMagic

  • Fixed a bug where the RootsMagic Private Switch was not working in source templates; the Private Switch has the form:
    <!private-text | public-text>

The Master Genealogist

Changes for The Master Genealogist

  • Added support for Exhibit Codes as defined in Second Site to allow per-exhibit control over exhibit linking and embedding

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed several embedded citation formatting issues
  • Changed the printer codes parser to ignore more unescaped [ and ] characters
  • Fixed a bug where the second embedded text exhibit in consecutive embedded text exhibits would be nested inside the first

Version 1.03


  • Added more "date correction" code to handle more variations of invalid but recognizable dates


  • Fixed an issue where long error messages would display in a window wider than the current monitor
  • Fixed an issue where Gedcom Publisher was not always checking the correct locations to find "pre-defined" external tools
  • Fixed an error where Last Edited date terms added in version v1.00 of the program would cause errors in version 1.02

Ancestry.com Family Trees

Changes for Ancestry.com Family Trees

  • Added configuration statements that improve the results when processing GEDCOM files exported by Ancestry.com Family Trees
  • Gedcom Publisher now removes duplicate citations caused by a custom "_APID" tag whose use/meaning is unknown and probably specific to Ancestry.com

Family Historian

Fixes for Family Historian

  • Fixed a bug where spaces around parameters in the =TextIf() function caused incorrect results


Enhancements for RootsMagic

Fixes for RootsMagic

  • Fixed a bug where the :suffix parameter was not implemented for name variables

The Master Genealogist

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed a bug where the Notes.Add Note to Global Sentence and Notes.Add Note to Local Sentence properties were adding the memo even if there was a reference to a memo variable in the sentence template
  • Changed how Gedcom Publisher responds to an invalid role name in a TMG project (an internal TMG error): the program will now now write an error to the log rather than rejecting the TMG project
  • Changed the [CIT:] ... [:CIT] handler to allow citation text that includes printer codes
  • Changed the processing associated with Notes.Add Note to Global Sentences and Notes.Add Note to Local Sentences: when the property is checked, and memo text is added to the sentence template output, the text will be preceded by "; " rather than just " "
  • Fixed a bug where the first word in a sentence continuation ("[+]") was uppercased and spaces were removed, actions which are not appropriate for continuation sentences
  • Fixed a bug where the [W+] sentence variable was not implemented
  • Fixed a bug where old style dates (showing two years) were incorrect by a year

Version 1.02


  • Added the Sources.Show Source Number property
  • Added the :ATTRIBUTE:name Person Variable Parameter which returns an attribute value
  • Added Tag Type translation files for the following cultures:
    • af-za – Afrikaans (South Africa)
    • da-dk – Danish (Denmark)
    • de-de – German (Germany)
    • fr-fr – French (France)
    • nb-no – Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)
    • sv-se – Swedish (Sweden)


  • Adjusted the user interface to avoid issues with high-resolution displays
  • Fixed a bug where '&' characters in the book title or chapter title would cause an error when opening the book in an e-reader

Family Historian

Changes for Family Historian

  • Added support for a specific Family Historian sentence template entry:

    {=TextIf( %FACT.DATE% = DateAt(1939,9,29), "1939 register", "census")}

The Master Genealogist

Changes for The Master Genealogist

  • Added support for tag sentence continuations
  • Added a period to source template output if the template does not end with a period to conform with TMG behavior

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed a bug where non-primary name tags with excluded sentences were not included in the index and not available for use as an alternate name in an event
  • Fixed a bug where the TMG [COLOR:]/[:COLOR] printer code was not being removed properly

Version 1.01


  • Added Bluefire Reader to the viewer tools that Gedcom Publisher will detect automatically if Bluefire Reader is installed to its default location
  • Adjusted the arguments for the KindleGen conversion tool so that the output file uses a shorter name; this change only applies to cases where Gedcom Publisher automatically detects KindleGen
  • Added a file association to allow double-clicking .gpfiles to start Gedcom Publisher
  • Updated "Dutch (Belgium)" translations courtesy of Harry Goegebeur

    A translation issue in "Dutch (Belgium)" was preventing GP from opening TMG PJC files. That has been fixed.

  • Added "Swedish (Sweden)" translations courtesy of Christer Siverud
  • Updated "Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)" translations courtesy of Roger Rasch Larsen


  • Fixed a bug where the Exhibit "Alternate Folder" processing was not adjusting the Exhibit Type from "document" to "image" when using a JPG to substitute for a TIF (for example)
  • When two range-type dates share the same first date, the dates will now be sorted according to the value of the second date
    SequenceDate Value
    1From 1 Jan 1901 to 2 Jan 1901
    2From 1 Jan 1901 to 3 Jan 1901
  • Fixed an issue where using scaled fonts in Windows introduced property layout issues
  • Added several string properties to provide values for new documents; see the Strings.New Document Defaults section
  • Fixed a bug where date string localizations were not being applied properly
  • Fixed a bug where Gedcom Publisher was not searching in the right location for Kindle Previewer 3
  • Fixed a bug where certain menu entries were not translated even when a translation value was supplied for them
  • Added a missing language file for da-dk, Danish (Denmark)

The Master Genealogist

Changes for The Master Genealogist

  • TMG regular dates with a trailing "?" character will now sort after the same date without a trailing "?" character

    See the Dates section of the The Master Genealogist help page for details.

  • Added a configuration file scheme so that Gedcom Publisher can support TMG custom sentence languages
  • Changed a key data structure used during the TMG Direct Import to enable some unusual, but valid, TMG projects to be loaded
  • Modified the method Gedcom Publisher uses to convert TMG language names to culture codes
  • Added support for TMG Language name "SWEDISH" which now maps to "sv-se", the culture code for "Swedish (Sweden)"
  • Added error-detection logic to the TMG project loader to avoid errors due to invalid PJC file entries

Fixes for The Master Genealogist

  • Fixed a bug where the [Repository Memo] variable and its variations were not working properly in source templates
  • Fixed a bug where role sentences for English (United Kingdom) were not loaded properly
  • Fixed a bug where repositories using a TMG ID# as a name were not assigned a name
  • Fixed a bug where TMG printer codes in embedded exhibit captions were not processed correctly

Version 1.00

The first release of Gedcom Publisher, an e-book writer for GEDCOM files!