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Use the Not term to obtain the result of negating its nested terms. This provides a convenient way to omit people based on their characteristics. The alternative is to select around the people you want to exclude by selecting the characteristics of the people you want to include. In some cases, the latter can be difficult or impractical.

screenshot of Not term showing its Operator property
Not Term

The Not term has only one property, Operator. Gedcom Publisher determines the term's true or false result by evaluating the nested terms and then applying the Operator to the result:

  • If all terms are true, result is false – Otherwise, the result is true.
  • If any term is true, result is false – Otherwise, the result is true.

Example 1

For example, to omit the descendants of a particular person, you can use a Not term with a nested Descendant Of term:

screenshot of Not term showing a nested terms
Not Example 1

In example one, the Not term has a nested Descendant Of term. The Not Operator has been set to "If all terms are true, result is false". The Not term will be true when the person is not a descendant of person number 2.

Example 2

When there is one nested term, both Not Operators produce the same result. In example one, the result would be the same if the Not Operator was set to "If any term is true, result is false".

When there is more than one nested term, the Not Operators may not produce the same results.

screenshot of Not term showing two nested terms
Not Example 2

In example two, the Not term has two nested Descendant Of terms. The Not Operator has been set to "If any term is true, result is false". The Not term will be true when the person is not a descendant of person number 2 or person number 3.

In example two, if the Not Operator had been set to "If all terms are true, result is false", a person would have to be both a descendant of #2 and a descendant of #3 to be omitted.

Operator If all terms
are true
result is false
If any term
is true
result is false
Person Result Result
Is a Descendant of #2,
Is not a Descendant of #3
true false
Is a Descendant of #2,
Is a Descendant of #3
false false
Is not a Descendant of #2,
Is a Descendant of #3
true false
Is not a Descendant of #2,
Is not a Descendant of #3
true true