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The Sources Section controls citations, sources, and related options.


Show Citations

If Show Citations is checked, Gedcom Publisher will add superscripted citation reference numbers in the person entry for data that has one or more citations. The reference numbers refer to entries in a list of citations that follow the person entry for the current subject. The default value is checked.

Use Application Types

As of version 3.01, the Use Application Types property only applies to GEDCOM files written by RootsMagic. See the RootsMagic help page.

Show Source Number

If Show Source Number is checked, Gedcom Publisher will add the source number as a prefix to the citation output. The default value is checked.

If Show Source Number is checked, and Show Sources is checked, the source number in the citation will be a link to the source entry.

If Show Source Number is unchecked, Show Sources is disabled and there will be no source entries.

Add Source Exhibits to Citation

If Add Source Exhibits to Citation is checked, Gedcom Publisher will add both citation exhibits and source exhibits to the citation output. Gedcom Publisher will treat the source exhibits as citation exhibits, i.e., Gedcom Publisher will use the Citation group properties to determine if the exhibit should be linked or embedded.

If Add Source Exhibits to Citation is unchecked, which is the default, Gedcom Publisher will not add source exhibits to the citation output. Source exhibits will only appear on the source page.

Citation Template

The Citation Template pull-down menu controls which citation template is used to construct the output for a citation. There are two templates, "Full" and "Short", and an additional choice, "Full, then Short".

Choice Description
Full Gedcom Publisher will use the Full Citation Template when creating citations.
Short Gedcom Publisher will use the Short Citation Template when creating citations.
Full, then Short For each person, Gedcom Publisher will use the Full Citation Template for the first citation to a particular source. For subsequent references to the same source in the person entry for the same person, Gedcom Publisher will use the Short Citation Template.

Gedcom Publisher provides default values for the Full and Short templates, but you may customize them.

Template Value
Full <[Author]><[+:, ][Title]><[+:, ][Comment]>
    <[+:, ][Note]><[+:, ][Page]>
Short <[Author]><[+:, ][Title]><[+:, ][Page]>

Add or remove variable references according to how your source program exports citations to GEDCOM. See Templates, below, for more information.

Use Linked References

If Use Linked References is checked, each citation reference includes a link to its citation list entry. The default value is checked.

Use Superscript References

If Use Superscript References is checked, citation reference uses superscripted characters. When not checked, citation references use non-superscripted characters and are enclosed in the "<" and ">" characters. The default value is unchecked.

State Example
Unchecked He was born in 1928.<1>
Checked He was born in 1928.1

Superscripted references often look nicer, but the text may be too small on some e-readers and if your citation references are links, they will be hard to click on touch devices.

Source Notes

If Source Notes is set to "Ignore", notes attached to the citation or source are not subject to special processing. The notes will be included if the template associated with a citation or source includes a field that refers to the note value.

If Source Notes is set to one of the other values, Gedcom Publisher will add the notes to the citation or source entry as follows:

Choice Description
Append to Citations Gedcom Publisher will append source notes to citation entries only.
Append to Sources Gedcom Publisher will append source notes to source entries only.
Append to Citations and Sources Gedcom Publisher will append source notes to both citation entries and source entries.

Source Text

If Source Text is set to "Ignore", source text attached to the citation or source are not subject to special processing. The text will be included if the template associated with a citation or source includes a field that refers to the text value.

If Source Text is set to one of the other values, Gedcom Publisher will add the text to the citation or source entry as follows:

Choice Description
Append to Citations Gedcom Publisher will append source text to citation entries only.
Append to Sources Gedcom Publisher will append source text to source entries only.
Append to Citations and Sources Gedcom Publisher will append source text to both citation entries and source entries.

Show Sources

If Show Sources is checked, each citation entry includes a link to a source page and positions the page to a source page entry that describes the source in more detail. The default value is checked.

Show Sources is disabled if Show Citations or Show Source Number is unchecked.

Source Template

The Source Template is used to construct the output for source entries that appear on Source pages. The default template is:

<[Author]><[+:, ][Title]><[+: ]([Publication])><[+:, ][Comment]><[+:, ][Note]>

Add or remove variable references according to how your source program exports sources to GEDCOM. See Templates, below, for more information.

Max Length of URL

Gedcom Publisher searches citation and source entries for URLs. When it finds one, it turns the URL into an HTML link. If Max Length of URL is set to a number other than zero, Gedcom Publisher will truncate URLs that are longer than that value and substitute an ellipsis ("…"). Truncating URLs prevents long URLs from disrupting page formatting because they do not wrap at the container border.

Citation Repositories

The Citation Repositories feature provides a mechanism to generate links to popular repositories. See the help page for Citation Repositories.

Person Sources

GEDCOM allows citing sources for an INDI (individual) record. These are general sources that do not apply to a specific fact, attribute, or name. Gedcom Publisher calls these "Person Sources". It is usually best to avoid Person Sources and cite a specific name or event.

To provide control over the inclusion and appearance of Person Sources, Gedcom Publisher creates a Person Source event and attaches the citations to the event. You can customize the label and sentence template of the Person Source Tag Type via the Utilities > Tag Types menu. You can also configure a Tag Set and select only the Person Source Tag Type. That allows you to customize how and where Person Source events appear in the Person Entry.

To suppress Person Sources, de-select the Tag Type using the Data > Tags filter.


Gedcom Publisher constructs citation and source output using templates that arrange source parts into the output text. Each part is available as a variable. The templates use the same syntax rules as Tag Type Sentences but a different list of variables. The part variables are described below.

The default templates arrange parts in a logical sequence and precede the second through last parts with ", " (comma-space) to account for missing parts.


You may use the variable names from the tables below when constructing templates.

Gedcom Publisher has been configured to load custom source variables from several genealogy programs. The Record Browser will show the source-specific variable names, and you may use those variable names in addition to the variable names listed below.

Source Variables

GEDCOM Element Part and Variable Name
_TITLNote 1

The Grid Parameter may be used with the variables above to create HTML tables from specially-formatted text values.

Repository Variables

GEDCOM Element Part and Variable Name

Repository Address Variables

GEDCOM Element Part and Variable Name
Repository.AddressNote 2
SOUR.REPO.ADDR._ADDRESSEERepository.AddresseeNote 3
SOUR.REPO.ADDR._DETAILRepository.DetailNote 3

Grid Parameter

You may use the Grid parameter with special text to create HTML tables when formatting citation and source values. The Grid parameter is intended for use with the [Text] variable, but it may be used with any source variable.

To create an HTML table, your genealogy application must support the addition of tab characters and newlines in the text field that includes text you want formatted as a table. The tab characters must be in the GEDCOM export file. The newlines must be represented using GEDCOM CONT records.

Cell values are separated by tab characters. Rows are separated by newline characters.

An example source entry in a GEDCOM file, including tabs and newlines (via CONT), might look like this:

0 @S1@ SOUR
1 TITL Example Grid Source
1 TEXT NameBirthdateOccupation
2 CONT Doe, John1 Jan 1901Laborer
2 CONT [Doe, ]Mary2 May 1903At home

In the example above, shows the location of tab characters. Tabs are not visible in web browsers, so I have replaced them with in this documentation.

The resulting table will look like this:

Name Birthdate Occupation
Doe, John 1 Jan 1901 Laborer
[Doe, ]Mary 2 May 1903 At home

To direct Gedcom Publisher to convert a text value to an HTML table, specify the Grid parameter on the Text variable:


Remove-Bar Option

For Family Historian users who use the Ancestral Sources plug-in, you should also provide the Remove-Bar option. Ancestral Sources uses a tab delimiter but also adds a bar ("|") in some cases, but not all. The Remove-Bar option will remove the "|" character when it appears as the first character in a cell value:


No-Header Option

Gedcom Publisher assumes that the first row of cell values contain column headers as shown in the example above. If your data does not include column headers as the first row of data, add the No-Header option:


If a table has only one row, the row will be treated as a data row, not a header row.

Multiple Options

You may combine options, but the Grid parameter must appear immediately after the source field name:


Mixed Content

If a text field includes some lines with tab characters, and some without, Gedcom Publisher assumes that the lines without tab characters are not part of a table. It will group each set of contiguous lines into a table, and render the lines without tabs as regular text.


  1. Gedcom Publisher stores the SOUR.TITL value in two separate variables because some GEDCOM files specify a part named "Title" in addition to the SOUR.TITL value. The "_TITL" variable ensures that the original SOUR.TITL value remains accessible.
  2. Gedcom Publisher creates the Repository.Address variable by concatenating the address variables ADR1, ADR2, CITY, STAE, POST, and CTRY, in that sequence.
  3. _ADDRESSEE and _DETAIL are not standard GEDCOM tags. Gedcom Publisher recognizes them as common GEDCOM extensions.