The People Section contains properties that determine whether people are included in the output, and when included or excluded, what information about them is shown or hidden.
An included person has a person entry and his or her events are eligible to be shown on that page. An excluded person does not have a person entry and his or her events will only be shown if they are shared with an included person.
Exclude Living People
When Exclude Living People is checked, Gedcom Publisher will not include living people as full members of the book: they will not have a person entry. Their names may or may not appear elsewhere in the output.
When Exclude Living People is unchecked, Gedcom Publisher will include living people as full members of the book. The information shown may be limited to a subset of the information available based on the Limit Details for Living People property.
Limit Details for Living People
When Limit Details for Living People is checked, Gedcom Publisher will omit most details for living people when they are included or when they are excluded but referenced in the person pages of deceased relatives.
When Limit Details for Living People is unchecked, Gedcom Publisher will include more details for living people. Living people who have person entries will include all details including birth dates, etc.
Show Non-Primary Parents
When Show Non-Primary Parents is unchecked, non-primary relationships between a parent and a child are ignored. Unchecked is the default value.
When Include Non-Primary Parents is checked:
- Non-primary parents will appear in the Parent Section of the person entry of the child.
- Non-primary children will appear in the Family Section of the parent.
Sequence Number Format
Use the Sequence Number Format property to choose whether the SeqNo (sequence number) Attribute includes thousands separators or not. The choices are:
Choice | Description |
Include thousands separator | Gedcom Publisher will include the thousands separator. The separator is a comma for US English but will be culture-appropriate based on the Book Language value. |
Omit thousands separator | Gedcom Publisher will omit the thousands separator. |
Use the Filter property to select the people in the GEDCOM file that you want to include as full members of the book.
The Filter property is applied after the Exclude Living People property. If a person is excluded by the Exclude Living People property, the Filter property is not evaluated and the person is not included in the output even if he or she would have passed the Filter.
For more information about the Filter property, see the Filters page.
Detail Filter Properties
For Included Living
If living people are included in the output, and Limit Details for Living People is checked, the properties under the For Included Living heading control which information is shown for living people.
Show when Principal to BDB Event
If Show when Principal to BDB Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a principal to a birth, death, or burial event. The default is unchecked.
Show when Principal to Marriage
If Show when Principal to Marriage is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a principal to a marriage event. The default is unchecked.
Show when Principal to Other Event
If Show when Principal to Other Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a principal to an event other than a birth, marriage, death, or burial event. The default is unchecked.
Show when Witness to Event
If Show when Witness to Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a witness to an event. The default is unchecked.
Show when Parent
If Show when Parent is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is mentioned as the parent of another person included in the book. The default is checked.
Show when Child
If Show when Child is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is mentioned as the child of another person included in the book. The default is checked.
Show Primary Image
If Show Primary Image is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's primary image exhibit, if any, in the person's person entry. All other exhibits are suppressed. The default is unchecked.
For Excluded Unlimited
If people are excluded from the book, and those people are not subject to the Limit Details for Living People property because they are deceased or because Limit Details for Living People is unchecked, the properties under the For Excluded Unlimited heading controls which information is shown for those people.
Show when Principal to BDB Event
If Show when Principal to BDB Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the person's name when the person is a principal to a birth, death, or burial event. The default is checked.
Show when Principal to Marriage
If Show when Principal to Marriage is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the person's name when the person is a principal to a marriage event. The default is checked.
Show when Principal to Other Event
If Show when Principal to Other Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the person's name when the person is a principal to an event that is an event other than a birth, marriage, death, or burial event. The default is checked.
Show when Witness to Event
If Show when Witness to Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the person's name when the person is a witness to an event. The default is checked.
Show when Parent
If Show when Parent is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the person's name when the person is mentioned as the parent of another person included in the book. The default is checked.
Show when Child
If Show when Child is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the person's name when the person is mentioned as the child of another person included in the book. The default is checked.
For Excluded Living
If living people are excluded from the book, and those people are subject to the Limit Details for Living People property, the properties under the For Excluded Living heading controls which information is shown for those people.
Show when Principal to BDB Event
If Show when Principal to BDB Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a principal to a birth, death, or burial event. The default is unchecked.
Show when Principal to Marriage
If Show when Principal to Marriage is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a principal to a marriage event. The default is checked.
Show when Principal to Other Event
If Show when Principal to Other Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a principal to an event other than a birth, marriage, death, or burial event. The default is unchecked.
Show when Witness to Event
If Show when Witness to Event is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is a witness to an event. The default is unchecked.
Show when Parent
If Show when Parent is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is mentioned as the parent of another person included in the book. The default is checked.
Show when Child
If Show when Child is checked, Gedcom Publisher will show the living person's name when the person is mentioned as the child of another person included in the book. The default is checked.
Living People
Gedcom Publisher evaluates the following criteria as it is reading the GEDCOM file to determine whether a person is living or not. People are assumed to be living unless one of the following criteria is met.
A person is...
- Assumed not living if the person has a Death Group event. (DeathEvent)
If the death event has no data except for the text "Y", e.g., "1 DEAT Y", the event is considered empty and is not included in the book. (EmptyDeathEvent)
- Assumed not living if the person has an event before the "threshold year". The threshold is set to 100 years before the current year. (OtherEvent)
- Assumed not living if the person has an application-specific attribute that indicates the person is deceased. (Flag)
- Assumed not living if the person has a spouse who has an event 30 years before the threshold. (SpouseEvent)
The 30 year offset is intended to account for age mismatches between couples.
- Assumed not living if the person has a descendant who has an event before the threshold year. (Descendant)
- Assumed not living if the person has five or more generations of descendants. (Descendant)
- Assumed not living if the person has an ancestor who has a birth event before an adjusted threshold where each generation going back subtracts 60 years from the threshold. (AncestorBirth)
Gedcom Publisher adds an offset to dates that have modifiers:
Modifier | Offset (years) |
About | 10 |
After | † |
Before | 0 |
Between/And | ‡ |
Calculated | 0 |
Circa | 10 |
Estimated | 25 |
From/To | ‡ |
Interpreted | 0 |
Or | ‡ |
Say | 10 |
To | 0 |
† Events with After dates are ignored.
‡ For events with two dates, Gedcom Publisher uses the date with the latest year. This includes BETWEEN date1 AND date2, FROM date1 TO date2, and date1 OR date2.
For example, if a person's birth date is "circa 1920", and the current year is 2025, Gedcom Publisher will consider the person living. If the current year is 2025, the threshold year is 1925. The birth year is 1920, but the circa modifier adds an offset of 10 years, which yields 1930. 1930 is more recent than the 1925 threshold year, so the person is considered living unless he or she has a death event.
Record Browser
When Gedcom Publisher determines that a person is not living, it adds a code to the person's display in the Record Browser. The first line of text includes L=
after the person's name and gender. L=Y
means the person is living, L=N
means the person is not living. Gedcom Publisher adds a keyword after L=N
to indicate the reason why the person is treated as not living. The keywords are shown in parentheses in the list above.