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The Family Sections item in the Person Entry list controls the inclusion of family information in the person entry which shows spouses and children of the subject.

The Family Section may include zero, one, or more family entries. The number varies with the number of families where the subject was a parent or spouse.

The Family Section content varies according to the properties of this item and by strings and sentence templates specified in the Family Section Strings and Family Heading Sentences Strings sections.


Show Title

If the Show Title checkbox is checked, the Family Section will begin with a title. The title text varies based on the number of families where the subject was a parent or spouse, i.e., "Family" or "Families". The actual titles are specified in the Family Section Strings section. The default value is checked.


The Spouses pull-down menu controls whether Gedcom Publisher creates a family section on the person page for childless spouses. If Spouses is set to All spouses, a family section is created for all spouses. If Spouses is set to Spouses with children, a family section is created only for spouses with whom the subject had children. The default value is Spouses with children.

Family Heading

The Family Heading pull-down menu influences how the Format constructs the title and contents of the Family Section. The choices are:

Value Example Output(s)
Children of ...
  • One child with partner
    Child with Mary Jones (b. 27 August 1893, d. 8 October 1943)
  • Multiple children with partner
    Children with Samantha Smith (b. 10 September 1895, d. 11 November 1937)
  • No children with partner
    Partner with Louise Little (b. circa 1900, d. 3 June 1977)
Family N: ...
  • One family only
    Family: Mary Jones (b. 27 August 1893, d. 8 October 1943)
  • Multiple families
    Family 1: Mary Jones (b. 27 August 1893, d. 8 October 1943)
    Family 2: Samantha Smith (b. 10 September 1895, d. 11 November 1937)
Use heading sentence
  • Actual output will vary according to Heading Sentence template.
    Partner: Mary Jones (b. 27 August 1893, d. 8 October 1943)

Heading Label

When Heading is set to Use heading sentence, the Heading Label property determines the label or prefix for the parent section heading. The default value is an empty string, and the contents of the Family Section heading is determined by the Heading Sentence.

Heading Sentence

When Heading is set to Use heading sentence, the Heading Sentence property determines the content part of the parent section heading. The default value is shown below, but you may alter the sentence to suit your needs.

The spouse, partner, or co-parent of the subject, if any, may be referenced by the role variable [R:Partner].

The default heading sentence is:

<Partner: [R:Partner]<[R:Partner:LSP]>|Children:>

You may use the [M:Number] variable to refer to the sequential family number.

Child List Format

The Child List Format pull-down menu controls the format of the list of children in a family section. The choices are:

Choice Description
Default The format of the list of children is determined by the Person Entry Format.

Grid-type Formats (Two Columns, Three Columns, and Narration) default to "Grid".

List-type Formats (Bullets and Bullets Unlabeled) default to "List".

Default (numbered) The format of the list of children is determined by the Person Entry Format.

Grid-type Formats (Two Columns, Three Columns, and Narration) default to "Grid (numbered)".

List-type Formats (Bullets and Bullets Unlabeled) default to "List (numbered)".

Grid Each child appears in a table row where the columns are (1) relationship type and (2) name and lifespan.

The relationship type is "Daughter", "Son", or "Child".

Grid (numbered) Each child appears in a table row where the columns are (1) child number, (2) relationship type and (3) name and lifespan.

The relationship type is "Daughter", "Son", or "Child".

List Each child appears in an item in a list with a marker symbol, name, and lifespan.
List (numbered) Each child appears in an item in a list with a number, name, and lifespan.

Note Event

The Note Event pull-down menu controls whether Gedcom Publisher searches for a special event to add text to a Family Section for a specific couple.

Choice Description
None Note events are ignored.
FamilySectionNote Gedcom Publisher will search for a FamilySectionNote event where the two principals match the two parents in the current family, and use that event to add text to the Family Section.
Other Event Type(s) Some genealogy applications include event types for the same general purpose as the Gedcom Publisher-specific FamilySectionNote event. If Gedcom Publisher recognizes the event type, it will add it to the pull-down menu and it will operate exactly the same as the FamilySectionNote event.

For an event to qualify, it must be primary for both principals.

If there is a qualifying event, but the given couple had no children, or if all their children are excluded and not shown, the event will be shown in the Family Section. Thus, you can use the event to describe special circumstances such as:

  • Insufficient research on the couple's children
  • Some children are excluded and not shown
  • etc.

The FamilySectionNote tag type does not require a checkmark in the Data.Tags list. Whether it is checked there or not, the tag type will not appear in any Tag Sets in the person page entry.

A primary FamilySectionNote event will not appear if the person's partner is not eligible to be shown on the site.

A FamilySectionNote event with one principal may be used to describe a family where only one parent is known.

Sentence Template

TMG users should see the template notes on Gedcom Publisher's TMG help page.

The FamilySectionNote sentence template must use the following format:


You may specify one part or both parts. To specify a part, you must include the part prefix, "[HEADING]" for the heading-part or "[NOTE]" for the note-part. If a heading-part is supplied, it must be first.

If the FamilySectionNote provides heading text, that text will override the heading-related properties.

Here is an example sentence template using Gedcom Publisher's template language:

[HEADING]Offspring of [P]< and [PO]>[NOTE][P] <|and [PO]> <[M]> <[D]> <[L]>

Person Prefix

The Person Prefix pull-down menu controls whether Gedcom Publisher inserts a value before spouse and child names. The choices are:

Choice Description
None Gedcom Publisher will not add a prefix to the name.
Attribute Gedcom Publisher will add a prefix using the value of the Attribute indicated by the Person Prefix Attribute property.
ID Number Gedcom Publisher will add a prefix using the ID number of the person.
Sequence Number Gedcom Publisher will add a prefix indicating the sequence number of the person in the book.
Manual Gedcom Publisher will add a prefix using the value produced by the template you specify in the Person Prefix Template property.

Person Prefix Attribute

The Person Prefix Attribute textbox is enabled when the Person Prefix property is set to "Attribute". You must enter the name of an Attribute. Attributes are imported from several source applications and Gedcom Publisher may also assign Attribute values.

You can explore Attribute names and values via the Record Browser.

For more information about Attributes, see the Attribute Person Entry Item.

Person Prefix Template

The Person Prefix Template textbox is enabled when the Person Prefix property is set to "Manual". You must enter a template that yields a value that you want to use as a prefix.

Why would you use a template you specify yourself? Here is one example.

If you set Person Prefix to "ID Number", Gedcom Publisher inserts the ID number of the person with a leading "#" and no commas in the number, for example, "#1234". If you prefer a different format, such as a different leading character or a number with a thousands separator, you can use a manual template. Here's a manual template value that will insert the person's ID number with a leading "I" character and with a thousands separator in the ID number:


Note that commas in the format are replaced by the locale-appropriate thousands separator. The separator is a comma for US English but will be locale-appropriate based on the book Language value.

Person Prefix For

If Person Prefix is set to something other than "None", the Person Prefix For pull-down menu controls whether the Person Prefix appears before children, spouses, or both. The choices are:

Choice Description
Children and spouses Both children and spouses will include a Person Prefix.
Children Children will include a Person Prefix. Spouses will not.
Spouses Spouses will include a Person Prefix. Children will not.

Parent Relationships

Gedcom Publisher assigns labels to parent relationships based on codes in the input data.

Gedcom Publisher supports the GEDCOM Pedigree Linkage Type record:


Unfortunately, that record sets a parent relationship label for both parents, and not one or the other. It also has only a small set of values (adopted, birth, foster, sealing).

Due to the limitations described above, several applications use custom records to describe other relationships, such as step children, and parent relationships that differ for the mother and father, for example, birth mother and step father.

Gedcom Publisher supports the following custom records written by several applications:

  • _FREL labels the relationship between the father and the child.
  • _MREL labels the relationship between the mother and the child.
  • The codes may be different, such as occurs when a step-father is married to the birth mother of a child.
  • The application may write one, both, or neither of the records.

Several applications export _FREL and _MREL records including Family Tree Maker, Legacy, and RootsMagic. Family Historian will import FAM.CHIL._FREL and FAM.CHIL._MREL records but it does not export them.

Gedcom Publisher supports a custom record written by Family Historian that is similar to the standard PEDI record:

INDI.FAMC._PEDI code [(father)|(mother)]

The code may be one of the standard PEDI codes as well as several others (step, de facto, illegitimate). The value includes an optional suffix that indicates whether the code applies only to the father or only to the mother. Family Historian uses the standard PEDI record for standard codes that apply to both parents, and uses its custom _PEDI record for other cases.

Note that INDI.FAMC.PEDI and INDI.FAMC._PEDI are written under the INDI record whereas FAM.CHIL._MREL and _FREL are written under the FAM record. The latter is more logical.

When reading a TMG project, Gedcom Publisher uses the name of the parent-child relationship tag to assign a code. The Aliases column in the table below includes TMG Tag Type names as aliases for the codes used in GEDCOM files.

If there is no parent relationship code in the input file, Gedcom Publisher uses the standard labels defined in the Person Entry Strings and Children Strings sections.

Users may customize the labels used in the book. See the Parent Relationship Strings section.

Gedcom Publisher ignores the relationship label when the code is "birth" and the relationship is primary.

Parent Relationship Codes

Gedcom Publisher recognizes the following parent relationship codes. Several codes found in some genealogy data are treated as aliases as shown in the table. The default labels for US English are shown in the labels columns.

Code Aliases Labels
adopted adopted

TMG: -Ado
TMG: -Adopted
Adoptive Father
Adoptive Mother
Adoptive Parent
Adopted Son
Adopted Daughter
Adopted Child
birth birth

TMG: -bio
TMG: -biological
Birth Father
Birth Mother
Birth Parent
Birth Son
Birth Daughter
Birth Child
candidate candidate

TMG: -can
TMG: -candidate
Father Candidate
Mother Candidate
Parent Candidate
Son Candidate
Daughter Candidate
Child Candidate
foster foster

TMG: -fst
TMG: -foster
Foster Father
Foster Mother
Foster Parent
Foster Son
Foster Daughter
Foster Child
godparent godparent

TMG: -god
TMG: -godparent
guardian guardian Male Guardian
Female Guardian
Parent Guardian
Male Ward
Female Ward
illegitimate illegitimate Father
Illegitimate Son
Illegitimate Daughter
Illegitimate Child
other other
de facto

TMG: -oth
TMG: -other
private private Father
related related Father
sealing sealing Sealing Father
Sealing Mother
Sealing Parent
Sealed Son
Sealed Daughter
Sealed Child
step step

TMG: -ste
TMG: -step
unknown unknown

TMG: -unk
TMG: -unknown