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The List of People User Item is a Content Item that creates a list of people and renders it in a Content Chapter.

The list may have from one to many columns including data from the person record and/or selected events. You can select people for the list using a Filter, and you may further limit the list based on the number of events that pass filters you define. So, for example, you could create a list that includes everyone who has one or more Address events.


The example below shows the person's name, birth year (from the primary Birth event), and the year and spouse name (from primary Marriage events).

Name Birth
Bezanson, Eunice W. 1804 1820 Frederick Levy
1825 Henry Cross
Bezanson, George 1804 Mary Millet
Bezanson, Sarah E. E. 1808 1828 David C. Vaughan
Millet, Mary 1775 1796 James J. Vaughan
1804 George Bezanson
Vaughan, Anne 1800 Peter Keiser
Vaughan, David 1795 1822 Sarah Bezanson
Vaughan, James 1802 1824 Lucy Vaughan
Vaughan, James J. 1777 1796 Mary Millet
Vaughan, Mary C. 1798 1819 Ambrose Allen

Eunice Bezanson and Mary Millet have two spouses each, and their entries have "subrows" to include both spouses. The List of People item will include as many subrows as necessary based on the count of qualifying events for each person.

Although not shown in this example, in the actual book the names of included people will be links to their person entries.

Edit List of People

The Edit List of People window controls the properties associated with the User Item.


Enter a title for the User Item.


See Enabled in the Common Properties section of the User Items help page.

Person Filter

Add Filter terms to the Person Filter property to select the people you want to include in the list. The Person Filter is the main filter, but you may also filter people via the Event Fields column item.

Sort People

The Sort People property determines the sequence of people in the list. The default value is "By name". The options are:

  • By birth
  • By birth (descending)
  • By ID#
  • By last edited date
  • By name

People per Table

The People per Table property determines how many people will be rendered in a single HTML table. When a table has more than this number of rows, it will be split into multiple tables. The default is 100.

The List of People Item uses an HTML table to produce the output. Some reading devices cannot render tables with many rows. To avoid issues on those devices, the results are split into multiple tables.

When the output is split into multiple HTML tables, the split is visible, and column widths may vary. Leave the value to set to 100 unless you have a specific reason to change it. Gedcom Publisher will ignore values less than 16 and use 16 in their place.

Column Items

The window includes a Column Items list where you add one or more items to add columns to the list.

  • Add a Person Field item to add data from the person record to the list. Each Person Field item creates one column in the output. See the list of person field choices below.
  • Add an Event Fields item to add data from selected events to the list. Each Event Fields item may add one or more columns to the list, and if the person has multiple events that qualify, the list will include a "subrow" for each.
  • Add an Spacer item to add an empty column to the list.

Date Format

The Date Format pull-down menu controls the format of dates rendered by Person Field items. It has the same choices as the date formats property described in the Dates section. The default is "Aaa d Mmm yyy".

Lifespan Format

The Lifespan Format determines the format of any lifespans that appear in the list. The default value is "b. birth, d. death".

Add References

If Add References is checked, Gedcom Publisher will add a list-type reference to each person who is part of the list. This includes people who get a row in the list and does not include other people who might be mentioned via column definitions. The reference will create a link to the person's entry in the list.

If Place Links is checked, any places that appear in the list will include place links as described in the Places Section.


The Class textbox allows you to specify the name of a CSS class that will be added to the list's container. You may use the class in the selector of a User Style to customize the appearance of a particular list.

Person Fields

Person Field items create a single column in the output. To add a Person Field item, click the [+] button under the Column Items list, then select Person Field in the popup menu.


The Heading of a Person Field item is used as the column header for the item.

Field Choices

Select an entry from the Field pull-down menu to set the content of the column. The choices are as follows:

NameThe person's primary name
Name (Surname First)The person's primary name formatted with the surname first followed by given name, etc.
Given NameThe GivenName field from the person's primary name
SurnameThe Surname field from the person's primary name
GenderThe person's gender
IDThe person's ID number
LifespanThe person's lifespan
Primary ImageThe person's primary image exhibit
FatherThe primary name of the person's father
MotherThe primary name of the person's mother
Birth DateThe primary birth date of the person
Birth YearThe year from the primary birth date of the person
Death DateThe primary death date of the person
Death YearThe year from the primary death date of the person
Age (At death) The person's age in years

For deceased people, this is their age at death.

For living people, this is empty.

Age (Now if living) The person's age in years

For deceased people, this is empty.

For living people, this is their age as of the day the book was created. Given this value will quickly be out of date, you may want to include a note in the book that explains the age was current as of the publish date.

Age (Now if living or at death) The person's age in years

For deceased people with a primary death date, this is their age at death.

For living people, this is their age as of the day the book was created. Given this value will quickly be out of date, you may want to include a note in the book that explains the age was current as of the publish date.

Age (Now or at death) The person's age in years

For deceased people, this is their age at death.

For living people, and for deceased people without a primary death date, this is their age as of the day the book was created. Given this value will quickly be out of date, you may want to include a note in the book that explains the age was current as of the publish date.

Last EditedThe last edited date of the person
ManualIf you choose Manual, the Value textbox is enabled and you should enter Gedcom Publisher sentence template variables to define the value you want in the column. Use the subject ([S]) variables with parameters from the People Variable Parameters list. For example, [S:PB:L] will return the location (":L") from the primary birth event (":PB") of the subject ("S").

Event Fields

Each Event Fields item creates one or more columns in the output. To add an Event Fields item, click the [+] button in the Column Items list, then select Event Fields in the Choose Item Type window.


The Title of an Event Fields item is used only as the item name in the list of items.

Event Filter

The Event Filter list includes multiple properties to select events.

You may filter tags based on the Tag Type and other filter terms that appear in the popup menu when you click the [+] button under the Event Filter list.

If the person has multiple events that pass the filter, the output will include multiple subrows as shown above in the example.

Count of Tags

You may restrict which people are included in the list based on the number of events that qualify for the current Event Fields item using the Minimum Tags and Maximum Tags properties. If the number of selected tags is less than the minimum or more than the maximum, the entire row for the person will be omitted and so the person will not appear in the list.


Each entry you add to the Columns list defines a column in the output. The icons beneath the list follow the same rules as other lists in Gedcom Publisher: use the plus icon to add a column, use the pencil icon to edit a column, etc. The sequence of the columns defines the left-to-right sequence of the output columns.

Column Properties


Each column must have a Heading value, and that value is shown in the column list. The Heading value may or may not appear as the column's heading in the outout.


See Enabled in the Common Properties section of the User Items help page.

Show Heading

If Show Heading is checked, the column's Heading will appear in the output.

Predefined Values

The Predefined Values pull-down menu provides a series of options to determine the content of the column. The choices are listed on the Tag Sets help page.


If the Predefined Values pull-down menu is set to "Manual", the content of the column is determined by the sentence structure typed into the Value property. You may use any of the person or tag variables to specify the output you want.


If you specify a CSS class name in the Class property, Gedcom Publisher will add a class parameter to each cell in the column.


Spacer items create a single empty column in the output. To add a Spacer item, click the [Add...] button under the Column Items list, then select Spacer in the Choose Item Type window. A Spacer item will be added to the list immediately; Spacer items have no editable properties, so there is no edit window. You may add and delete Spacer items, and move them up or down in the list, but they have no properties.


If you include Event Fields in the list and a person has more than one qualifying event, the list will include one subrow for each such event. If a list has two or more Event Fields items, the number of subrows will vary according to the events that exist for each person. The example above shows how subrows appear in the output.

When you have multiple Event Fields items, columns for one event may appear to be associated with columns from another event. For example:

Name Spouse Census
Doe, Jane 1943, John Smith 1930, Massachusetts
1967, George Jones 1940, Vermont

Jane's 1943 Marriage to John Smith is not associated with her appearance on the 1930 Census, and her marriage to George Jones in 1967 is not associated with her appearance on the 1940 Census.

You may use the Spacer item to separate groups of event columns. So, for example, if you add a Spacer item between the Name and Marriage items, and also between the Marriage and Census items, the list above will now look like this:

Name Spouse Census
Doe, Jane 1943, John Smith 1930, Massachusetts
1967, George Jones 1940, Vermont

The extra spacing helps to separate the column groups.