You may add a Chapter Link item to include a link to a content chapter in the Person Entry. This is intended for links to appendixes or other chapters that are after the person's Person Entry and for which Person References cannot be used.
Content Chapter
Use the Content Chapter pull-down menu to choose the target chapter for the link. The selected Content Chapter determines the item's title in the Person Entry list.
If you choose a chapter and save the Chapter Link item, then subsequently change the name of the target chapter or delete it, Gedcom Publisher will display an error message when you attempt to make the book.
Link Text
Use Link Text to set the text of the link.
If Link Text is left empty, Gedcom Publisher will use the title of the selected Content Chapter.
Use Prefix to set a prefix for the link.
- If Output Type is set to "Field", the Prefix text will be used as the label for the Field. The appearance will vary based on the Format property.
- If Output Type is set to "Text", the Prefix text will be appear before the link text, separated by a colon and a space.
Output Type
The Output Type determines the basic appearance of the link in the Person Entry. The choices are described below. The default is "Text".
Output Type | Description |
Field |
A link is added to the Person Entry using the "Field" structure.
The appearance of Fields varies by the Format, but Field items usually have a label and a value. The Chapter Link item uses the Prefix as the label. |
Text | The Chapter Link is added to the Person Entry as text. If the Prefix is not empty, the Prefix text will be appear before the link text, separated by a colon and a space. |
New Container
When New Container is checked, the output of this item will be placed in a new container. When New Container is unchecked, which is the default, the output of this item may be added to an existing container if the output of a previous Person Entry Item uses the same container type as this item.
- If you want to merge the output of the Chapter Link item with a previous Person Entry Item, leave New Container unchecked.
- If you want the Chapter Link item to close the prior container and open a new container, add a checkmark to New Container.
When a Person Entry Item creates content of the same type as the previous content, the new content is added to the same container as the previous content.
For example, when using a grid-type Format, the Person References and Chapter Link items both create a row with two columns in a table. The table is the container. If the output of the Chapter Link item follows immediately after the output of the Person References item, the output of the Chapter Link item will be added to the same table that contains the Person References content.
If you prefer that the Chapter Link item starts a new container, add a checkmark to the New Container property. Typically, creating a new container will add vertical space between the prior output and the current output.
See: New Container Item
Person Filter
If you specify a filter using the Person Filter property, Gedcom Publisher will only add the Chapter Link for people who pass the filter.